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The Royal Life Blog: Don't Let January End!

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

When January hits we are usually are on fire for our goals! We always hear " New Year, New Me", " This is My Year" , " I am switching up this year" ...... AND Boom! February hits and we forget all about what we said lol! Let me assist you in keeping that January energy all year!

Let's start with our supply list : 1. Vision Board 2. Planner 3. Journal

1. Vision Board: The reason this is important is because it is your goal summary! It is absolutely vital for staying focused. Some ladies attended the Goal-Girlfriend Bunch where we made vision boards and poured positive vibes all over the place! If you missed I hope to see you next year but in the mean time YOU STILL NEED ONE! If your not sure where to start check out : Once your board is done make sure you put it somewhere , where you will see it daily. I'm not talking behind the couch, beside your desk on the floor, or in the closet......I mean posted on you bedroom wall, in your bathroom, or in your office (VISIBLE).

2. Planner: Dreams break down into goals and goals have to be planned out, Reasons you need a planner TO PLAN! Some people don't realize how important it is write out all that you need to accomplish. This will help you to see how close or far away you are to completing those vision board goals. For example, If my goal is to lose 20 pounds by June , in my planner should be workouts, diet changes, and a break down goals i.e Losing a little over 3 pounds a month. Planners can be a simple or fancy as you desire BUT GET ONE! Here is the one I use :

3. Journal: When is comes to utilizing a journal, this tool can change your life, well at least your year. The reason we use journals is to track the Journey. Sometimes life gets mundane because we are not paying attention to the journey which is the most valuable part of goal setting. After all when you open a book you don't just skip to the end or fast forward to the end of a movie, You want to know all the small details that led up to it. No one can write your story better than you! If you need a good journal Royal Living has you covered:

Please feel free to email if you have any questions or additional thoughts.

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