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The Royal Life Blog: How disciplined are you?

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

Image this?! Susie wrote her goal for this year is to lose 30 pounds ( she even put it on her vision board). But every morning Susie is jumping out of bed, rushing to drop her kids off to daycare, and late to work. When Susie gets off she grabs takeout for her and the family and they all sit around in the living room on their electronics until bedtime rolls around. While on social media Susie sees day after day her Facebook friends are doing all these great things and she can't understand for the life of her why she is not doing and feeling as great as them. That goal of Susie losing 30 pounds is now 45 pounds because she has gained 15 pounds by not doing anything to move towards her goal. What would you tell Susie to do to help her reach her goals? I bet you have all the answers but the real question is what is it that you need to do to reach your goals?

I'm going to give you a million dollar tip for success..... You guessed it DISCIPLINE AND ROUTINE. Every day is important when it comes to striving for your goals. Maybe your goal is not losing weight, maybe it's starting a business, maybe it's a new job, maybe it's financial, or self care. Let's turn that goal into a math problem for a second. If your goal is to start a business <---- This should be broken down into Monthly, weekly, and daily milestones. For right now we will just speak about the daily goal. An example would be waking up in the morning and spending 10-15 mins doing research/listening to a podcast involving starting a business. Want me to stop your limiting belief before it starts?! Instead of trap music in the car turn on the podcast and give you baby headphones for their tablet. Here is an example of something for your night routine.... After dinner spend 10-15 mins writing out/ reading up on your specific business . That is 20-30 mins a day, 2 hours and 20 mins to 3 hours and 30 mins a week that you have spent making your business happen. See where I am going with this?

Let's start with ideas to add to your daily life!

Morning routine :

- Wake up at a good time

- Spiritual Time/ Prayer

- Hydrate

- Skincare

- Set intentions for the day

Evening Routine:

- Move your body

- Plan/review Goals

- Meditation/ Journal Time

- Self-Love Activity

- Unplugged Time

Of Course I am full of resources so here is a book that can teach you more about changing your daily routine to make it into a successful lifestyle.

And you know how I feel about our Uncle Steve listen to what he says about what he does in his daily routine.

As always you can reach me by email or DM me on social Media

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Nicole Pressley
Nicole Pressley
Feb 23, 2022

Thanks for sharing I have a few goals but I need to be more consistent

Ashley cook
Ashley cook
Feb 24, 2022
Replying to

Go for it! Every day we get the chance to start new and fresh !

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