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The Royal Life Blog: Passion Vs. Talent

Have you ever started with something but quickly lost interest? 9/10 it was probably because you didn't have clarity on " why" to keep going. For example, I started a baking company and let it flop because my " Passion" was not baking . Baking is a talent I used to fund raise for children in need around Christmas time. Instead of voicing baking was not my passion, I allowed someone to convince me that I should make it a business but we see how that turned out, It didn't! But enough about me , Let's talk about you!


Let's start with talent, the dictionary definition is "natural skill". Now to be clear you can be passionate about your talents and gifts but they are not always what will drive your life's purpose. Talent should be a reason why you never go broke! Here is an example, If you can naturally style hair or play music that can be a side hustle to keep your finances in a good place. But if you don't wake up in the morning excited about the talent you posses you may get bored and quit it altogether. My suggestion on talent is to sharpen it when and how you feel most inspired to.


When it comes to "Passion" that's where we start to discuss " what tickles your fancy". The dictionary definition is "strong like or desire". Passion should be something that you can talk about forever, something that excites you when you think about it, and or something that makes you want to learn everything about it. This part can be confusing , passion does not have to be specific , it can fall over a broad area. For example, If you love cardio exercise you may want to be involved with many things such as walking, biking, zumba, and xtreme fitness. The objective is to keep your body in motion and that can be summed up as your " why/passion". Passion does not have to be natural skill, but as long as you have an opened mind you can be skilled at your passion.


So now here comes the famous challenges, I can't just leave you without something to think on. What is the consistency of your life? What is it that you are involved in? Are these things your talents? Or are they your passion? In your journal ( I pray after all my blogs, tik toks, and post you have one by now) , discuss what gets you excited to get out of the bed in the morning.

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