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The Royal Life Blog: Who is with me?

Don't you just hate when you're with a group of people and there is that one person that wants to do something totally different than everyone else? So now there is conflict and everyone is uncomfortable! That's what it is like when you are not connecting with like-minded people. If you are trying to figure out what this blog post is about I will spell it out for you, CONNECTION!

So let's talk about it! If you have ever found yourself frustrated because you felt as through your love ones consistently gave push-back about your goals... this is for you. If you ever have found yourself starting something ( personal or business) , not finishing it, and no one ask questions...this is for you. Lastly, if you ever felt stuck and no one to turn to for help..... well guessed it....this is for you.

I'm going to take a shot in the dark with this one and say I predict that 80% of the problem is you are seeking support from your loved ones with the mindset ( They are suppose to be like you or at least support you). I am here to tell you that is where our mindsets have to shift, or we will not grow. Do not get me wrong it is an awesome feeling to have people around in your environment growing and supporting you but that is not always the case. Here is where I come in to encourage you to stretch yourself.

Ready to brainstorm some ideas to get out of this ordeal? I am going to start by using myself as an example. Not only do I have some awesome and powerful friends/family that I am connected to but I also joined a women's business networking group ( Sister's United). It was laid out for me, the common interest (business), and the population (women). Let's talk about a smaller scale of connection such as Social media groups and events in your area. Trust me I know, everything isn't for everybody and that's when using your intrusion comes in.

Now let me make it even more clear. Royalty Living has hosted several events and gathering to connect like minded people in 2022. The only thing you and others need to do is have an email so they can be notified when new things are happening via email. For example, in April 2022 there was a Fitness Day which promoted physical, spiritual, and mental health wellness. In February 2022 there was a self-care/self love event where we received massages from Hands of A Goddess and conversed about ourselves. So the opportunities to connect with like-minded people are available you just have to change your mindset and be open to new connections.

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Nicole Pressley
Nicole Pressley
Jun 03, 2022

I’m doing what I’m supposed to but sometimes I get side tracked. What can I do? I need ideas to stay on track or maybe an accountability partner

Ashley cook
Ashley cook
Jun 03, 2022
Replying to

My motto is "WRITE IT DOWN"! but also when you write it down share it with a friend. Sometimes my business friends and I get together just to discuss what's new in our life and our goals. It might look like over a meal or it may look like discussing it at an already arranged function!

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