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The Royal Life Blog : Let it Flow

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Welcome to The Royal Life Blog! Here is where you will find products and information that will encourage productivity and fulfilling lives. The choices we make should be driven by the goals we set and resulting in the life we've always wanted!

Imagine this, You get in the car and start driving. You don't have a destination in the GPS or on a map. How much gas and time would be wasted? That's what it is like when you decide to live life with out goal-setting. But that's not that true reason for this blog, the true reason is to talk about the importance of being prepared for "detours and rough travels".

When we take a trip sometimes things like flat tires, detours, and excessive bathroom breaks happen right? First of all if you never have a true destination ( a goal), How will you ever know when and why to get back on the road, or why you are even traveling in the first place. When that detour comes are you prepared to handle it and " reroute"? Ok, Let's shy away from the trip example and use a different one. What if you had a goal to start a business but you have to put it on hold because you had to use your "start business fund" to fix your car. What's the solution? Save money or use your resources to get started. The part that I want you to take away is that "life happens". Don't be hard on yourself when it does.

Let it flow, don't force life not to happen. You will only leave situations frustrated because you didn't have a plan.


A few years ago I learned a concept that stuck with me " You can reset and restart" at anytime. I was even reminded early this year at the Cloud 9 Networking event " Refocus, Reset, and Re-brand" . For those who attended the Vision Board Brunch 2022 Joy Maker touched on this topic of "being ok with where you are in Life". Also the first core value of Royalty Living is " Embrace", Embracing where you are in life.


Here is a journal prompt (if you don't have a journal it is time to get one): For ever goal write obstacles that could get in your way and a plan to successfully accomplish your goals.

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